
Instaclustr Technology Evangelism Blogs List

Instaclustr Technical Evangelism Blogs Paul Brebner 14 March 2018 Here's a list of the blogs I've produced since starting with 17 August 2017, Paul Brebner (the Petabyte Person) joins Instaclustr (the Petabyte Company) 29 August 2017, Cassandra Cluster Creation in Under 10 Minutes 7 September 2017, Hello Cassandra! A Java Client Example 6 September 2017, Consulting Cassandra: Second Contact with the Monolith 14 September 2017, Third contact with a Monolith – Long Range Sensor Scan 20 September 2017, Third Contact With a Monolith – Beam Me Down Scotty 29 September 2017, Third Contact with a Monolith – In the Pod (SPARK, MLLib, RDDs) 20 October 2017, Fourth Contact with a Monolith (DataFrames, ML Pipelines, Scala) 25 October 2017, SPARK MLLib: Behind the Scenes 9 November 2017, A Luxury Voyage of (Data) Exploration by Apache Zeppelin 28 November 2017, Apache Spark Structured Streaming with DataFrames 5 December 2017...

Instaclustr Fun

Dogs in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!!! (in a wormhole actually) For the last few months I've been learning about, trying, and blogging on the Instaclustr Open Source technology stacks. So far I've tried Cassandra, Spark, Scala, Zeppelin, and tried some Spark Machine Learning algorithms out on synthetic and pre-production data as a predictive data analytics example (they have a lot of real data with > 1,000 nodes under management). Also planning on trying ML on the real production data eventually, and learn/blog about Spark streaming, Kafka, etc.  All my Instaclutr blogs are here: And blogs so far in order are: ...

30 years Back to the Future

30 years Back to the Future Today I wondered what I was doing 30 years ago? Turns out it was something fairly interesting (today was mundane but interesting - ferrying my younger son up and down Mount Stromlo so he could do multiple downhill rides on a vintage Iron Horse downhill bike). Me? I just drove up and down, enjoyed the view at the top, and ate a donut. 30 years ago I was doing research for a PhD at UNSW in Machine Learning, trying to crack the problem of accurate and efficient machine learning of first-order relational and temporal concepts (still appears to be an open problem). The year, 1987... I had received an invitation (based on submission of an extended abstract) to the Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning, UCI, Irvine, June 22-25, 1987.  I had to self-fund my trip but decided to attend and explore as much of the USA as I could in a few weeks.  I didn't get to present anything but there were lots of talks and informal seminars to attend...


Meta-blogging , a bit like Klein-bottles? (one sided surfaces, not possible in the real world, but models are still made, see image above). Blogging about blogging (which could lead to infinite recursion). Here's my 1st official Instaclustr Technology Evangelism blog post!

Cassandra == a "Grey Hole"?

Well I've survived my first week as Instaclustr Technology Evangelist (part-time) and my brain has 100 things on the TODO list to follow up. Really nice people with lots of cool code that spins ups and manages large amounts of data on Cassandra.  I've been thinking about what a Technology Evangelist does.  This blog was useful as it emphasises that it's all about "interest" :-) I was struck by this comment as I tend not to be interested to regurgitation: You should never give the same presentation twice because you will never have the same audience twice. And his theory of evangelism: Follow other experts. Start blogging and tweeting. Whenever you find something you think is interesting, note it down and share it with others. Disagree with people and explain why you think differently. Spend time pondering what’s going to happen next. Ask new questions, then do original research to find the answers and tell others what you have discover...

Job update: Technology Evangelist with Instaclustr!

The 4 evangelist's spires of the  Sagrada Família in Barcelona - an amazing architectural structure. The Evangelists' spires will be surmounted by sculptures of their traditional symbols: a winged bull ( Saint Luke ), a winged man ( Saint Matthew ), an eagle ( Saint John ), and a winged lion ( Saint Mark ).  This week I started a new job as "Technology Evangelist" with I wonder which evangelist I am going to be :-)  Probably not the Biblical ones. Instaclustr is a cool company that is growing rapidly and based in Canberra (at UC) but with a significant US presence. They provide Open Source as a Service on multiple cloud platforms, at reliability and scale. They reached a significant milestone of 1PB of data under management a few weeks before I joined - pretty impressive! They started out with Cassandra, and now how multiple offerings and more in the pipeline. Lots of clever people and customers doing different interesting things.  I...

Face book book book bots rule rule rule RUL RL!!!

Image Facebook chat bots take over the world!!!   No probably not, but it made a good story. Two chat bots talking to each (and competing in a game) construct their own language. Well, why not? They probably deconstructed inefficient English and made it more efficient (chat bot morse?). Or, were they trying to keep their plans for world domination secret from their human masters? My wife said she invented a gibberish language to keep secrets between herself and 1 other sibling from yet another sibling.  Or perhaps it was entropy and they would have ended up just spitting out a series of random  single letters eventually? Or a type of pidgin english? Can you work this one out? From PNG: NAMBAWAN PIKININI BILONG MISIS KWIN  IN A  MIXMASTER BILONG   JESUS CHRIST Number One child belonging to Mrs Queen (Prince Cha...