Performance Modelling for DevOps
Performance Modelling for DevOps: Integrating APM+Performance Modelling for DevOps, Paul Brebner It's been a few months since the WOPR25 workshop in NZ (Wellington) so I've finally got around to putting up my slides that I had prepared for my presentation. WOPR is the Workshop in Performance and Reliability, and they had the 25th one in NZ, with the theme: Performance Tools for 2017 (and beyond) which I thought was a good fit for our performance modelling tool and presentation. I hadn't come across WORP before and it turns out to be a rather odd beast in some ways. It's run by practitioners for practitioners, is invitation only based on submitting an Abstract (which I had done), and has a limit of about 20 people and a rather formalised (in 1 sense) organisation which uses K-cards to ask questions. On the other hand it is more informal (but more "controlled") than a typical academic workshop. I assumed that by receiving an invitation I was being...